Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Waiting Game

In order to start my first real round of "trying" with medical intervention, I need this cycle to end. My doctor prescribed Provera, which is a synthetic version of the progesterone that a woman's body naturally produces after ovulation. The gist is you take the pills for a certain number of days (I took mine for a week), then your body is tricked into thinking you've ovulated, and your period comes. The nurse told me my period could arrive a few days after the last pill, or up to two weeks after. 

Well it's only been 6 days and already it feels like an eternity. It's like the most tortuous two week wait, because nothing good is going to come from it (definitely no pregnancy!). And I have to say, I am beginning to get very impatient again. This cycle has only been 48 days (so far) and I know compared to my last cycle, that isn't too bad. But that's still about 20 days longer than a normal cycle, and I just want to get moving. I am so tired of waiting around for my body to do something normal. I feel like it never cooperates or makes things easy on me. 

And there is nothing I can do besides get through one day, then another, waiting for my period, and Day 3 of my cycle to start Clomid. Will it be this week? Or next week? Or will Provera even work for me? 

Until then all I can do is cross my fingers and wait and hope that something will go according to plan... 

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