Sunday, March 20, 2016

25 Weeks, It's Getting Real

Yesterday I looked at myself in the mirror and FINALLY thought... 

I look pregnant! 

Not the kinda-most-likely-pregnant-but-maybe-just-gains-weight-around-the-middle, but actually, truly, pregnant. This is a very exciting thing for me. 

At 25 weeks, a fetus is viable should it come early. And with all the medical advances out there the survival rate isn't terrifying. Of course, I hope I make it right up to my due date, but in life anything can happen. This makes Wriggles suddenly a very real little person who will be snuggling in my arms in just a few short months.

The kicks are getting stronger now, enough so I can see them when Wriggles is kicking and I'm just looking at my tummy. My lovely husband has been able to feel some of the crazy kicks too and that is so much fun to be able to share. 

We went to a department store yesterday and made a big purchase of nearly everything we are going to need with the exception of a few things we'll be getting as gifts. This delivery won't arrive until May 28th (!!!) so I'm glad we put it in now - we'll only have 4 weeks to go at that point! We still need to order the stroller and car seat, but we already know what we want it's just a matter of clicking a few buttons. I'm starting to feel more ready and less stressed, although I'd be very happy if it was all already finished. The nesting feeing is STRONG and I just want a gorgeous nursery to sit around and think about my new little arrival. Sigh. I suppose that's not happening for two more months now!

Pregnancy has still been quite easy on me, although the back pain is pretty uncomfortable by the end of the day (and sometimes starting in the middle of the day!)I've still got a bit of indigestion and heartburn, and my ravenous appetite has calmed down a bit. It's definitely more difficult for me to put on socks and shoes with this big bump in the middle of me. Sometimes I have difficulty breathing (especially when I lay down), and my joints are definitely more jiggly when I'm exercising (I've got to be careful!). Overall, I am still loving being pregnant, even if I'd sure like a mimosa (or three) on this sunny, lovely spring day. Only 15 weeks to go, I can't believe it! 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

23 Weeks Already!

Time is flying by, and somehow I am 23 weeks +5 days.... how did this happen? My stomach has also completely exploded and is really full of baby, not to mention I managed to put on a full kilo from last week. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining, but it all seems to be coming so fast! I think it's because my days are so full that there just isn't quite enough time to feel the passing of each moment. People's reactions to me seem to be a mixed bag - from telling me I'm very "neat" (read: small), to telling me I'm HUGE already. I think people's perceptions of what a pregnant lady should look like at any point in time varies greatly. Heck, I don't even know what "normal" looks like, or even if there is a normal!

My feet are rapidly disappearing!

Not much has changed on the baby belly front, although I am feeling a ton of kicks and rolls and at the end of last week I felt a sudden and urgent increase in my hunger. Usually I eat pretty regularly, but on Thursday I needed to eat about every 15 minutes! My sweet tooth is still going strong, and I'm still enjoying lots of fruits and veggies as well as splashed of ice cream and pizza. If you can't enjoy indulgent food now, then when can you? 

Here are my last two weeks of bump pics... I can really see the difference, can you?

22 weeks (left) and 23 weeks (right)

22 weeks (left) and 23 weeks (right)

22 weeks (left) and 23 weeks (right)

One thing new for me is that I've tried a new prenatal yoga class and decided to stick with it for the next 10 weeks. It will be useful as I get bigger, and I know it's important to meet other expecting mums and take some relaxing time just for me. Ooooommmmm....

And I almost forgot! I am feeling hardcore like I need: 
1) Pancakes
2) To have the nursery set up and ready.

#1 can be addressed pretty easily (I'm making pancakes every weekend!) but #2 is a little trickier. The newly painted walls can't have my solar system stickers stuck on for 30 days, and we don't have the cot yet, and the second-hand changing table I bought was missing a few pieces so I can't finish putting that together either. I know it'll all be done before wriggles arrives, but I really REALLY want it done NOW!!! Is this how crazy pregnant women feel? It's not like the baby is going to know that the room was prepared last minute! Here is what I've done so far in our little nursery...
 Sorting the onesies into size order so they are easy to find later

Organizing all those teeny tiny outfits!

Getting the closet ready with the toys, towels, blankets and cute knitted sweaters!

My not-quite-ready changing table, bought second hand at a GREAT price, but missing a few small pieces.